Freelancing is not a new term for Bangladeshi young entrepreneurs. Every day thousand of peoples are heading towards various freelancing work available online. Such diversion in modern ways of outsourced work is showing an assertive sign to the economics statistic of Bangladesh. Many are seeing opportunities in this sector, where’s others are earning their living with freelance earning. The core reason for many diverting towards freelancing job is because of work independency and flexibility, and absence of bothersome orthodox office traditions. The ultimate result is economic growth buildup of the nation.

How freelancing can develop the economic system of Bangladesh

This sector, in recent years, not only forwarding lives of young male, but also improving the social status of many independent woman all around the nation. Thousands of women are supporting their families with the money they are earning from freelancing. It has been seen that Bangladesh is now one of the top listed country marking their ever-increasing numbers in freelancing sector. The overall result is, huge foreign remittance and therefore economic growth in the nation.

Why freelancing?

Freelance sector is already earning millions of dollars each year. The government is seeing huge possibilities in this particular skill-based niche. In present scenario of job crisis, where the ratio of a typical employment body to job seekers is 1: 100, freelancing appeared like a blessing. In this sector, the possibilities are theoretically limitless.

A candidate doesn’t need to stand in a long que for a job interview. No need to handle typical bosses and office cubes. It’s not even a 9 to 5 job tradition any more for freelancers.  All a candidate needs to have is relevant skill and online customer handling capability. In recent days freelancers are working on various sectors and earning foreign currencies.

Following are some popular sectors in freelancing field:

  1. SEO
  2. Digital marketing through social media.
  3. Content developing.
  4. Graphics and animation designing.
  5. Coding and web developing.
  6. Journalism and reporting.
  7. Scriptwriting, publishing.
  8. Video editing.
  9. Interpreting.
  10. Consulting and so on.

There are numerous freelance sectors our workforce is involved in. They are relying on various specialized freelancing websites to provide demanded goods to their respective work providers. Websites such as Upwork, Fiverr, rent a coder, Project4hire, Digital point forum etc. are playing main role in establishing connections between clients and freelancers.

Why freelancing and how this can be helpful for Bangladesh’s economy?

Why freelancing and how this can be helpful for Bangladesh’s economy

The requirement for starting freelancing job is very minimal. All an interested candidate needs are a computer, internet access and relevant skills. Such work won’t ask for education qualification or age limit. Moreover, freelancing is completely free from any unfair lobbying, partiality and personal preferences.

If you have specialization and required skill, you are good to go to earn your own bread. Such small requirements for a big return are always appreciated by a nation’s economy. Moreover, freelancing is influencing skill build up mentalities among people in Bangladesh.

Following are the ways how freelancing is contributing in country’s economy:

  1. Skilling-up generations
  2. Empowering women
  3. Contributing in suppressing unemployment rate
  4. Bringing foreign currencies to the country
  5. Opening a door for opensource earning process. 
  6. Preparing workforce to meet global clients.

Freelancing is not only empowering woman, erasing unemployment or contributing in local economic progress, but this particular sector is also playing a major role in preparing an entity to deal with future global industrialization. Many are seeming to be skilling up in English language to keep the correspondence on with foreign clients. The future of country’s economy depends on these workers who will have a contribution in global business area.

Nowadays, various training institutes are also growing up to train freelancers all around the nation. Seems like another earning sector that can contribute to the nation’s economy. Overall, this particular sector is showing impressive opportunities for the nation’s economic prospects.